Each Wednesday, The HomeKeeper’s Journal is led by Sylvia at CHK. You’re welcome to join The HomeKeeper’s Journal, too. To see Sylvia’s entry for this week and/or find instructions for participating, visit Sylvia’s entry for this week at: http://christianhomekeeper.org/blog/homekeepers-journal-with-linky-love-simplicity/
Simplicity means … Let's start with what it doesn't mean. It doesn't necessarily mean back to the basics because churning butter, milking cows, and doing laundry by hand may feel a bit rustic and pioneer-esque, but it would sure complicate my life at this point. To me, simplicity ultimately means keeping a clear schedule so I can spend time with our friends and family. This requires keeping daily commitments to a minimum and continually looking for ways to cut down on the time required to do things while still getting the jobs done.
I could probably simplify my kitchen by … coming up with a better way to organize my freezer space. I have my refrigerator's freezer and a chest freezer. Both are a mess. When I open the door of the first, stuff falls all over. ~sigh~ It needs more shelves, but how do you add shelves to a freezer?!?
My life needs simplifying in these areas … I'm doing too much outside the home. After this year I've dropped (or completed) two major time-consumers. I'm really looking forward to next summer because of this! Having these things behind me will really simplify my life.
I tend to go overboard with … to-do lists. There's always something else that needs to be done. But I know how forgetful I can be, too. So, I'm trying to find that balance between trying to accomplish too much in a day and enjoying time with the family.
My favorite simple dinner is … grilled cheese with a slice of tomato and basil, raw carrots, and sun tea in the summer. In the winter I prefer a a simmering pot of homemade spaghetti sauce with garlic bread.
My spiritual life needs simplifying especially in this area … I read too much. I will start a good spiritual growth book, and then put it down while I try to apply what I've learned. Because the application process takes time, I will pick up another book and start that one. I usually have half a dozen books that I'm reading at one time. I need to pick one (or maybe two) and stick with those until they're done.
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