Each Wednesday, The HomeKeeper’s Journal is led by Sylvia at CHK. You’re welcome to join The HomeKeeper’s Journal, too. To see Sylvia’s entry for this week and/or find instructions for participating, visit Sylvia’s entry for this week at: http://christianhomekeeper.org/blog/the-homekeepers-journal-home-with-linky-love/
This week’s Homekeeper’s Journal is all about Nesting …….
Let’s define our terms …
Nest - a snug retreat or refuge; resting place; home.
Nesting - to build or have a nest
My kitchen would be more inviting if … I could keep the counters cleared off, but it seems there's always a project going on. Right now I have a bushel and a half of apples waiting to be made into applesauce.
My best tip for making a home seem more welcoming … is to keep at least one room "company ready." Then if someone stops by, we can sit in my clean room without being completely embarrassed. However, I must admit that I tend to be a bit of a neat freak, and our home doesn't get completely cluttered very often.
To give the feeling of warmth in my home I often … have a candle burning on the kitchen table. Since we heat with wood, there are times when it's cool in the house, but not really cold enough to go through the hassle of getting a fire going. On days like those a mug of hot chocolate or tea and a candle burning warms the house enough to be comfortable.
In the cooler months, it is essential for me to … make sure we're ready for winter. The window air conditioner needs to be packed away, the canning done, the plastic on the windows, wood brought in, groceries stocked up, and just generally ready in case a winter storm comes our way.
Some favorite Autumn/Winter recipes are … homemade bread, potato soup, apple crisp
A Quick Tip for making your house more inviting … is to keep the front porch clear. I'm not very good at this, and our front porch tends to collect a lot of stuff. But it's the first thing and the last thing that most people see. Guess I better put cleaning it on my to-do list!
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