Each Wednesday, The HomeKeeper’s Journal is led by Sylvia at CHK. You’re welcome to join The HomeKeeper’s Journal, too. To see Sylvia’s entry for this week and/or find instructions for participating, visit Sylvia’s entry for this week at: http://christianhomekeeper.org/blog/homekeepers-journal-children-with-linky-love/
I can directly influence my children by: loving and respecting God and loving and respecting my husband (their father).
Some specific ways that I see my influence in my children are … My children seem to be developing a personal relationship with Jesus. I often catch them reading their Bible without being told, or they will occassionally ask to pray together throughout the day. I like seeing their helpful spirit toward others, and I appreciate the way they help me around the house.
The biggest area needing improvement in how I see my children is … they need to be more diligent in their schoolwork.
My greatest joy in my children is … to see them walking with their Creator. I also appreciate watching them play and interact together. I'm proud of how they usually all pitch in to get a job done.
The best thing I ever did for my children was … keeping them home with me for learnin'.
One thing I want to be sure to impart to my children is … a faith that will endure the tests of time. This is not mine to impart. It comes from God. But I'd love for Him to use me in this area of their lives.
This needs great prayer and thought regarding my children … Their futures. How am I to best prepare them for what lies ahead? It's almost overwhelming: schools, spouses, jobs, careers, political tensions, etc. May they be found faithful to Jesus regardless of what the future holds.
Hi Melissa, thank you for participating in the Homekeeper's Journal this week, I have enjoyed your entries so much!