Each Wednesday, The HomeKeeper’s Journal is led by Sylvia at CHK. You’re welcome to join The HomeKeeper’s Journal, too. To see Sylvia’s entry for this week and/or find instructions for participating, visit Sylvia’s entry for this week at: http://christianhomekeeper.org/blog/homekeepers-journal-july-20-with-linky-love/
This week’s Journal is all about ……… Beginnings!
Something new I would like to attempt in my kitchen ……….. It's not really in my kitchen, rather it would be outside, but it has to do with cooking! ~smile~ A few years ago I bought a cast iron pot with a lid and legs. It's for cooking over a fire. I seasoned it, and it's all ready to go. (Or it would be once I wiped the dust off it!) But I lack the confidence to actually take it to backyard and give it a try. We've been working on our cooking over the fire on a tripod skills, and we're getting better there. But I would like to try the Dutch oven cooking, too!
When the newness wears off a relationship you find ………. out if the friendship will stand the test of time.
The new school year starts around here on ……. Well, we don't really have a date. I ease the kids into the schoolyear by starting math one week, and the next week we add writing. The next week we'll add science, etc. We've been working on geography for a couple weeks. Nothing intense. Just going over states and capitals as we work on the puzzle of the United States.
I need to start …….. Exercising more, especially riding my bike! I wanted to ride my bike 500 miles this summer, and I'm not even at 100 miles yet! ~yikes!~ Needless to say, if I'm going to meet that goal, I've got to get pedalling!
I also need to start working on lessons for Step by Step more fervently. I've got them started (barely!), but I'd like to be at least half-done by the time we start in September. ~sigh~
God’s mercies are new every morning so ……….. every morning I have something for which to be very thankful! I'm so grateful that my God is merciful. Thank You, Jesus!
I really like the way you begin your school year. I wish I had thought of something like that when we homeschooled. Now, our children are all grown with the youngest turning 29 next month and the oldest is 40. We homeschooled our 4 children and I miss it now. It is a true lifestyle. Blessings to you during this wonderful time of life!