
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful for Sunshine!

For those of you who don't live in Michigan, winters are very gloomy. We can go for weeks without catching a glimpse of the sun. And if it does ever come out from behind the thick cloud cover, it shines so brightly off the snow that it's blinding.

The past few weeks we've made up for it though. The sun has been shining so beautifully! We've spent a lot of time outside building a chicken coop. It's almost done. (And it's a good thing because these chicks are growing like weeds!)

Today is supposed to be another beautiful day. I'm hoping to get our lessons done this morning while it's still rather cold outside so that we will be able to enjoy the fresh air this afternoon and evening. I'd like to get some yard work done, and I'd like to do something fun with the kidlets. Maybe a bike ride.

But today, I'm thankful for the sunshine. It inspires us to get something done, and it gives us a bit of hope that spring is, indeed, on its way! (Especially since the weather man is predicting snow for the beginning of next week!)

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